July 21, 2023

COUNCIL MINUTES – March 7, 2022

The Town Council of the Town of Steele, Alabama, met in Regular Session at 6:30 PM on
Monday, March 7, 2022 ut the Steele Community Center. The following members were present:
Mayor Roger Adams
Michael Stevens, Councilmember Tammy Deweese, Councilmember Rick Barnes, CounciJmemher Philip Gleason Jr., CouncilmemlJer
Nancy Miller-Borg, Councilmember
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm by Mayor Adams, who then asked Councilmember Barnes to lead everyone in a word of prayer.
Council Member Barnes made a motion to npprove the minutes from the February 22, 2022 Council Meeting, seconded by Councilmember Miller-Borg and approved by the Town Council.
Ayes: Stevens, Gleason Jr., Miller-Borg, Barnes, and Deweese Nays: None
Councilmember Barnes made a motion to approve the .January 2022 Financials, seconded by Councilmember Gleason Jr. and approved by the Town Council
Ayes: Stevens, Gleason Jr., Miller-Borg, Barnes, and Deweese Nays: None
Mayor Adams stated that there was a request from the Ashville High School Track Team to do a road hlock on Saturday, April 9, 2022. A motion to approve this road block was made by Councilmembcr Barnes, seconded by Conncilmember Stevens and approved by the Town Council.
Ayes: Stevens, Gleason Jr., Miller-Borg, Barnes, and Deweese Nays: None
Library Flooring: Mayor Adams stated that he had a Contractor come out and look at the Library floor, and was told that the floor needed a lot of work before new flooring can be put down. He stated that he would hiwe another individual come out and look at it in order to get a correct quote. There will be a special order on the front door of the Library because the door jamb is wider than a standard door.
Mayor Adams stated that he has spoken with an architect at CDP Design, LLC Architecture and Planning to get a cost of having a reudering done for the Town Hall expansion. Mayor Adams stated that he was told that the maximum cost to have a rendering done wonld be $1,500 and he asked the Council if this is something that they would be interested in having done. Conncilmember Barnes stated that he feels that it would be a good decision to order a rendering for the Town Hall expansion, as well as the Pavilion. Councilmembcr Barnes asked if the Council could meet with the Architect one time before they get started on the rendering to insure that they have a clear idea of what the Council wants with regard to the renovation of the Town Hall.
March 7, 2022
Town Council Minutes
Councilmember Barnes made n motion to approve hiring the firm of CDP Design, LLC Architect and Planning to do a rendering of tbe Town Hall Expansion, seconded by Councilmember Deweese and approved by the Town Council.
Ayes: Stevens, Gleason Jr., Miller-Borg, Barnes, and Deweese Nays: None
Mayor Adams stated thHt in the htst publication of the St. Clair Times there was an article regarding the County Commission minutes which mentioned weather sirens throughout the County. He stated that Steele took over maintenance of the Town siren a few years ago. He called C&C tree removal and stump grinding and discussed removing the siren, and was told the cost would be approximntely $1,000. Councilmember Ba rues :1sked ifwe could table this issue until be finds out if it would be useful for any type of Wi-Fi
usage. Mayor Adams stHted that he called two other tree services to compare prices and was told that they would come out and take a look at it and will give him more information.
Mayor Adams brought up vacancies on the Water Board, he stflted that there is only one position available on the Water Board. Board Member Roy Phillips’ term is expiring and he will come off of the Water Board, but Mayor Adams feels that Board Member Ruby Reynolds will resign in the near future. Mayor Adams stated that he is declaring one vacancy on the W:1ter Board at this meeting. He stated that we have received three letters of interest from individuals in the community who are interested in serving on the W:itcr Board. There will be a Water Board meeting on Monday, March 14, 2022, and he hopes that the potential candidates will be able to attend the meeting.
Guest: Cynthia Anderson was present and wanted to bring to the Council the issue of speeding on Chandler Mt Road. She stated that people are driving very fast up and down the mountain and feels that the 45 mph speed limit should be changed to 35 mph in that area. Councilmember Gleason Jr. stated that he thought that maybe a letter from the Council and the Mayor to the County might help in getting the Connty to look at it. Mayor Adams thanked Ms. Anderson for being at the Council Meeting and stated that the Council will take this issue under advisement.
Mayor Adams stated that we got a large water bill of $852.00 for the Library, and he stated that it could have been a toilet th.it was running. He stafocl th:it he planned to attend the Water Board meeting on Monday and see what can be done to make it right.
It was noted that the new Mini Excav:1tor was delivered today.
Mayor Adams stated thnt be called Mike Walraven, with Engineers of the South today regarding the sewer/ lagoon and was told that the electrical engineer was backed up and it would be three weeks before there would be progress on installing the aerators.
Mayor Adams rend a letter from the New London Fire Volunteer Department thanking the Town of Steele and the Steele Fire Department for donating an extraction tool to their Fire Department.
Councilmembcr Miller-Borg stated that the 30 yard dumpster will be delivered on March 28, 2022. The Cost will be $565 and the Town is allowed to keep it for up
to two weeks. Republic Services will deliver a 6 yard for the Bhop nnd pick it up once a week, at a cost of $100.20 a month with a onetime set np fee of $280.49. Councilmember Miller-Borg made a motion to approve the expenses of the dumpsters, seconded by Councilmember Barnes nnd approved hy the Town Council.
Ayes: Stevens, Gleason .Jr., Miller-Borg, Barnes, and Deweese Nays: None
March 7, 2022
Town Council Minutes
Councilmember Miller-Borg stated that she thought it would be nice to do a pizza party for the 4111 grade class at Steele School to celebrate the completion of their history
projects. Councilmemher Deweese stated that she could provide the pizza at $7.00 each, Hnd it would cost $42 to provide pizza to the class. Councilmember Barnes made a motion to approve this expense, seconded by Councibnember Miller-Borg nnd a1lprovcd by the Council.
Ayes: Stevens, Gleason Jr., Miller-Borg, Barnes, and Deweese NHys: None
Councihnember Gleason Jr., mentioned that the Town had discussed looking at lights on the lower field at the ballpark. He stated that he had discussed this with an electrician and is getting a cost work up for it.
Councilmembcr Barnes stated that he had followed up with Spectrum regarding broadband availability in our area. He stated that he found out that another city was offering free Wi-Fi for their outdoor spaces, and he is meeting with them to get information on this.
With there being no further business to come before this regular Council Meeting of MHrch 7, 2021; Couneilmember Barnes made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:10 pm.
Councilmembcr Barnes withdrew his motion to adjourn.
Mayor Adams stHted that he would like to get approval from the Council giving him authority to obtain a lo n for the amount $66,7q6.58 from People’s Indepeudent Bank for the purchase of the Mini Excavator. A motion was made by Councilmember Barnes to approve this request, seconded by Councihnember Deweese and approved by the Town Council.
Ayes: Stevens, Gleason Jr., Miller-Borg, Barnes, and Deweese Nays: None
With there being no further business to come before this regular Council Meeting of March 7, 2022; Councilmember Barnes made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Adjourned at 7:30 PM.
The next Regularly Scheduled Council meeting will be held on Monday March 21, 2022 at
6:30 PM.
Town Clerk: Donna Ambrosius