May 18, 2020

COUNCIL MINUTES – May 18, 2020

The Town Council of the Town of Steele, Alabama, met in Regular Session at 6:30 PM on Monday, May 18, 2020 at Steele Community Center. The following members were present:

Present: Roger Adams, Mayor
Richard Reynolds, Councilmember Michael Stevens, Councilmember Philip Gleason Jr., Councilmember Nancy Miller-Borg, Councilmember Rick Barnes, Councilmember

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm by Mayor Adams, who then asked Councilmember Reynolds to lead everyone in a word of prayer.

The Town Council having read the minutes from the Regular Council Meeting on Monday, May 4, 2020, motion was made by Councilmember Reynolds to approve the minutes, seconded by Councilmember Stevens and approved by the Town Council.

Ayes: Gleason Jr., Stevens, Miller-Borg, Barnes, and Reynolds. Nays: None.

The Town Council having read the February 2020 financials from the Regular Council Meeting on Monday, May 4, 2020, motion was made by Councilmember Gleason, Jr., seconded by Councilmember Reynolds and approved by the Council.

Ayes: Gleason Jr., Stevens, Miller-Borg, Barnes, and Reynolds. Nays: None.

Mayor Adams introduced Cory Ramsey, and Stony Cryer from Advanced Disposal and welcomed them to the Council Meeting. He then asked for discussion from the Council regarding any issues or problems they know about with regard to Advanced Disposal. Councilmember Miller – Borg stated that the truck did not get all the garbage out of the can. Mayor Adams said that he had heard of several complaints of this happening.
Councilmember Barnes asked what is the expected life of the garbage cans. Mr. Ramsey stated that it depends on if there are issues with the arm that picks up the cans or the garbage truck. Councilmember Barnes also mentioned that there is an issue of the garbage cans being left in the road after being emptied. Mr. Ramsey stated that this is operated by a joy stick in the truck, which the garbage truck worker activates to pick up, empty, and set down the garbage can. Councilmember Barnes inquired as to what the biggest dumpster that we could have delivered here is. Mr. Ramsey stated that he usually sends a 30 yard dumpster because it is easier for people to reach over it and throw their items in it but that they can bring a 40 yard if that is what is needed. Councilmember Reynolds asked if the drivers have a way to know if the garbage can is a paying customer or just someone who puts their garbage can by the road. Mr. Ramsey stated that they pick up all cans that are on the road. Mayor Adams brought up that the Town decided to do their own billing because Advanced Disposal bills quarterly, not monthly and the town felt like the quarterly billing might be a hardship for some of citizens. Mayor Adams thanked Mr. Ramsey and Mr. Cryer for coming to the Council Meeting and answering all the questions.

May 18, 2020
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Council would like to donate) that was set aside each year for by the Town Council for Steele Jr. High. Councilmember Gleason Jr., made a motion to approve donating $2,000 to Steele Jr. High for paint and other needed supplies, seconded by Reynolds and approved by the council.
Ayes: Gleason Jr., Stevens, Miller-Borg, Barnes, and Reynolds. Nays: None.

Mayor Adams gave the Council an update on the Local Government Health Insurance matter. He stated that he had spoken with a representative from LGHIP and asked about a waiver and was told that as far as she knows there has never been a waiver issued. Mayor Adams stated that we will wait for an invoice from LGHIP and when we receive that, he will call and talk to the Legal Department and go from there.

One bid was received for the Dump Truck, this was from Long Lewis Ford. It was noted that there were some differences between the Ford Specs and the State Bid Specs. Long Lewis Ford offered 2 options: (1) $78.903.50, which would have a 270 horse power engine, Ford heavy duty transmission, and air brakes. It would also include a 10 ft. Warren dump bed. (2) $80,664.50, which would include a 300 horse power engine, air brakes, Ford heavy duty transmission, and a 10 Foot Warren dump bed. International won the state bid, and it has a Cummins engine, Alyson transmission. State Bid came in at $70,933.96 – which does not include the dump bed, this is just for the chassis. Cost of the dump bed would
$15,000. Councilmember Stevens recommended the International because of the Cummins Engine and the Alyson Transmission. Mayor Adams stated that the international dump bed had a $500 upgrade available, the upgraded dump bed does not have visible cross members. Mayor Adams stated that our current dump truck is a 1984 model, and the purchase of a new dump truck would be a long term commitment. Councilmember Gleason Jr, asked who the Town would be financing the dump truck with. Mayor Adams stated that he would like to pay for it with cash. He stated that there is enough money in the Reserve Fund to purchase it with cash. Councilmember Miller-Borg made a motion to purchase the International Dump Truck with the upgraded dump bed, seconded by Councilmember Stevens and approved by the council.

Ayes: Gleason Jr., Stevens, Miller-Borg, Barnes, and Reynolds. Nays: None.

Chief Ward gave an update on the Police Academy for the new officer, Tyler Sloan. He stated that the Academy starts on June 1st this year, but that Mr. Sloan did not get into that slot. They have limited slots this year due to COVID 19. Chief Ward stated that Mr. Sloan is scheduled to attend the Police Academy in August, with a graduation date of November 6, 2020. Chief Ward also noted that the cost of the Academy is $4,300.00 with no refunds available. Councilmember Miller-Borg asked if Mr. Sloan could attend a council meeting so that the Council can meet him. Chief Ward stated that he is currently riding with Officer Burttram. Mayor Adams stated that Officer Burttram is doing an outstanding job for the Town.

Fire Chief Martin updated the Council as to where the Fire Department is with regard to
calls, etc. He stated that year to date they have answered 101 calls, which is an average of where they should be.

Town Council Minutes May 18, 2020

Mayor Adams asked that we declare the old copy machine on as surplus and the old generator also. Council discussed soliciting bids for those two items. Councilmember Reynolds made a motion to run an ad in the Newspaper to solicit bids for these items, seconded by Councilmember Stevens and approved by the Council.

Ayes: Gleason Jr., Stevens, Miller-Borg, Barnes, and Reynolds. Nays: None.

Mayor Adams mentioned that he and Chief Ward have discussed swapping offices as the Chief’s office is very small and he needs a new safe, which there is not room for in his current office. Councilmember Miller-Borg stated that we would not need to take bids as anything under $15,000 bids are not necessary. Councilmember Miller-Borg made a motion to approve the Police Chief and the Mayor swapping offices, seconded by Council member Barnes and approved by the Council.

Ayes: Gleason Jr., Stevens, Miller-Borg, Barnes, and Reynolds. Nays: None.

Councilmember Gleason, Jr. stated that the July 4th celebration was still on. A decision may need to be made about the car show as that would put people closer together, but he felt it best to wait and see what the Governor’s next orders will be.

Chief Martin stated that the ballfield/walking track is open for families or individuals who want to use the track but not for any team practices. The playground remains closed per the Governor’s last orders.

Councilmember Miller-Borg asked what the status of City Hall opening is. Mayor Adams replied that they will wait and see what the Governor’s next orders are as the current orders end Friday, May 22, 2020 at 5:00 pm.

Councilmember Barnes had emailed quotes for the work on Herb Collette drive and ask the Council to review these quotes., as the work would not be started until the fall of 2020.

Councilmember Barnes also brought up the dead tree on Lakeview, and stated that after the riprap has been added, water does not run through one of the pipes.

Councilmember Reynolds mentioned that he felt it would be good to have the community nominate individuals for Citizen of the Year through a process of submitting their name, and why they would be a good candidate for Citizen of the Year. Councilmember Barnes stated that there should be some base criteria to judge on.

With there being no further business to come before this Regular Council Meeting of May 18, 2020, Councilmember Barnes moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Councilmember Gleason Jr., and adjourned at 7:46 pm.