November 7, 2020
Council Minutes – November 5, 2020
The Town Council of the Town of Steele, Alabama, met in Regular Session at 7:00 pm on Thursday, November 5, 2020 at the Steele Fire Department. Upon roll call the following members were present.
Present: Roger Adams, Mayor
Richard Reynolds, Councilmember Philip Gleason Jr., Councilmember Rick Barnes, Councilmember Tammy Deweese, Councilmember Michael Stevens, Councilmember
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Roger Adams who then led everyone in a word of prayer.
The minutes from the October 19, 2020 meeting were approved by a motion from Councilmember Gleason Jr. seconded by Councilmember Reynolds, and approved by the Council.
Ayes: Gleason Jr., Barnes, Stevens and Reynolds Abstain: Deweese
Nays: none
September, 2020 financial reports which were handed out at the last Council Meeting were reviewed. Councilmember Reynolds made a motion to approve the September 2020 financial reports, seconded by Councilmember Stevens and approved by the Council.
Ayes: Gleason Jr., Barnes, Stevens and Reynolds Abstain: Deweese
Nays: none
Mayor Adams stated that Resolution 2020 – 020 to Resolution 2020 – 028 needed to be reviewed and approved.
Resolution 2020 – 020: Resolution to appoint Richard Reynolds at Mayor Pro Tempore. Motion made by Councilmember Barnes, seconded by Councilmember Stevens and approved by the Council.
Ayes: Gleason Jr., Barnes, Stevens, Deweese and Reynolds Nays: none
Resolution 2020 – 021: Resolution to appoint Donna Ambrosius as Town Clerk. Motion made by Councilmember Barnes, seconded by Councilmember Gleason Jr., and approved by the Council.
Ayes: Gleason Jr., Barnes, Stevens, Deweese and Reynolds Nays: none
R-esolu.t..ion 2020 — 022: Resolution to appoint Mark Ward as Police Chief. Motion made by
Town Council Meeting November 5, 2020
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Resolution 2020 – 024: Resolution appointing Judge Rodney Ward as the Municipal Judge for the Town of Steele. Motion made by Councilmember Barnes, seconded by Councilmember Reynolds and approved by the Council.
Ayes: Gleason Jr., Barnes, Stevens, Deweese and Reynolds Nays: none
Resolution 2020 – 025: Resolution appointing Richard A. Rhea of Rhea, Boyd & Rhea as the Town of Steele Municipal Attorney. Motion made by Councilmember Barnes, seconded by Councilmember Deweese and approved by the Council.
Ayes: Gleason Jr., Barnes, Stevens, Deweese and Reynolds Nays: none
Resolution 2020 – 026: Resolution appointing Richard A. Rhea, Rhea Boyd & Rhea as the Town of Steele Municipal Prosecutor. Motion made by Councilmember Barnes, seconded by Councilmember Reynolds and approved by the Council.
Ayes: Gleason Jr., Barnes, Stevens, Deweese and Reynolds Nays: none
Resolution 2020 – 027: A Resolution designating Peoples Independent Bank, Steele, AL Branch as Depository for the Town of Steele. Mayor Adams stated that he would like to add Councilmember Deweese as a check signer at Peoples Independent Bank, as she was usually in town and available. Motion made by Councilmember Reynolds to approve Resolution 2020 – 027 and add Councilmember Deweese as a signer, seconded by Councilmember Barnes and approved by the Council.
Ayes: Gleason Jr., Barnes, Stevens, Deweese and Reynolds Nays: none
Resolution 2020 – 028: Resolution appointing the firm of McClure & Sewell as auditors for the Town of Steele. Motion made by Councilmember Barnes, seconded by Councilmember Deweese and approved by the Council.
Ayes: Gleason Jr., Barnes, Stevens, Deweese and Reynolds Nays: none
Mayor Adams announced the Committees as follows:
Finance Committee – Richard Reynolds, Chair Tammy Deweese
Rick Barnes
Sanitation Committee – Michael Stevens, Chair Philip Gleason, Jr.
Richard Reynolds
Town Council Meeting November 5, 2020
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Public Safety Committee – Tammy Deweese, Chair Richard Reynolds
Michael Stevens
Mayor Adams stated that he would like approval for the Town to purchase a time clock for
$100.00 at Office Depot. It would be put in the Shop for the Public Works employees to clock in and out. Councilmember Barnes stated that the technology to have it digital is available. Chief Ward stated that all employees would have to use the time clock if it was installed, it would not be right for just a few employees to use it. Mayor Adams stated that he would speak to Richard Rhea about this and will bring it up to the Council at a later date.
Police Chief Ward stated that the Town had received some equipment from the State of Alabama, including a pressure washer, sanitizer, masks, gloves and chemicals. This was at no cost to the Town.
Councilmember Deweese stated that the people that own the land just past the Alabama International Dragway cannot get in or out of their property when there is an event at the Alabama International Dragway. This is Crump Road, which is a Town Road. Mayor Adams said that we will get the Alabama International Dragway to use their own property for traffic and get the traffic off of the street.
Councilmember Gleason, Jr. asked for an update on the Sewer Extension on Herb Collette Drive. All quotes that came in were above the $50,000.00 cap which means that we would have to advertise for bids. Mayor Adams asked the lowest bidder for a more detailed quote to get the cost under $50,000.00, and the Contractor stated that it would not be a problem for him to do that.
Mayor Adams stated that he sent the Engineers an email to get the project going. The Developer is anxious for it to be completed.
Councilmember Reynolds mentioned that the Council needed to discuss one-time raises for the town employees. Mayor Adams stated that this will be tabled until the next Council Meeting on November 16, 2020.
Councilmember Reynolds also brought up revising the Rental Agreement for the Community Center and Nutrition Center.
Councilmember Barnes mentioned that we have just renewed our license for Office 365, and stated that it was an easy tool for shared information and that he was willing to go through it with Councilmembers to explain it and teach them how to use it.
Councilmember Barnes also mentioned that the quote to scan all of the Town Minutes, Resolutions and Ordinances has not been received from Business Systems & Consultants, Inc. yet and he would follow up.
With there being no further business to come before this Regular council Meeting of November