February 24, 2022
The Town Council of the Town of Steele, Alabama, met in Regular Session at 6:30 PM on Monday, February 7, 2022 at Steele Community Center. The following members were present:
Present: Roger Adams, Mayor
Michael Stevens, Councilmember
Tammy Deweese, Councilmember
Philip Gleason Jr., Councilmember
Nancy Miller-Borg, Councilmember
Absent: Rick Barnes, Councilmember
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm by Mayor Adams, who then led everyone in a word of prayer.
The Town Council having read the minutes from the Regular Council Meeting on Monday, January 17, 2022; motion was made by Councilmember Miller-Borg to approve the minutes, seconded by Councilmember Gleason Jr., and approved by the Town Council.
Ayes: Stevens, Deweese, Miller-Borg and Gleason Jr.
Nays: None.
Councilmember Miller-Borg made a motion to nominate Hannah Parris to the Library Board. She stated that Ms. Parris has experience working in a library and would be a good asset to the Board. Librarian Lynda Fann stated that she had spoken to Richard Reynolds about serving on the Library Board and he stated that he would be willing to do that. The motion to appoint Hannah Parris was seconded by Councilmember Gleason Jr., and approved by the Council as follows:
Ayes: Miller-Borg, Stevens, Gleason Jr., and Deweese
Nays: none
Librarian Lynda Fann stated that she was “pissed off” about this decision and wanted it to be noted in the minutes as so.
Mayor Adams stated that Councilmember Barnes was going to talk with Lookout IT regarding purchasing two new computers for the Library. He stated that there are two computers that would need to be declared as surplus equipment. A Motion was made by Councilmember Miller-Borg to declare these two computers as surplus, and to purchase two new computers at a cost not to exceed $2500, seconded by Councilmember Deweese, and approved by the Council as follows:
Ayes: Miller-Borg, Stevens, Gleason Jr., and Deweese
Nays: none
Mayor Adams stated that the Library needs to be repainted, light fixtures replaced, screen door replaced, and front door replaced. A motion was made by Councilmember Miller-Borg to purchase the necessary items for library improvements at a cost not to exceed $1500, seconded by Councilmember Gleason Jr., and approved by the Council as follows:
Ayes: Miller-Borg, Stevens, Gleason Jr., and Deweese
Nays: None
Town of Steele
Council Minutes 2/7/2022
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Mayor Adams stated that the clerks would like to purchase a cell phone for the office to be used to contact the public works employees, other employees, etc. This could be purchased out of court funds. A motion was made by Councilmember Deweese to purchase a cell phone for the clerks out of court funds, seconded by Councilmember Miller-Borg and approved by the council.
Ayes: Miller-Borg, Stevens, Gleason Jr., and Deweese
Nays: None
Mayor Adams stated that the lease on the Mini Excavator expired as of Feb. 1, 2022. He stated that JCB came and performed an evaluation on the Mini X that we have now. They stated that the payoff amount for that Mini X would be $30,326.58. JCB has offered to purchase this Mini X or give us a trade in the amount of $35,000. There are three options available with regard to the Mini X, they are: (1) Purchase the current Mini X at a cost of $30,326.58, (2) trade it in for a new model Mini-X, which would have a lease payment of $1098.58 monthly for three years, (an increase from the current lease of $17.16 per month) and would cost approximately $5,000 above the amount received in trade. And (3) do nothing. Councilmember Stevens asked how soon the equipment would be available. Mayor Adams stated that he was told that it would be fairly quick to receive the new Mini X. If we keep the old one, we would have to purchase new tracks for it at a cost of approximately $4000. Councilmember Miller-Borg made a motion that the Town turn in the old Mini-X and lease a new Mini X with the information provided above. Councilmember Stevens asked if the Town would be responsible for maintenance if we lease. Mayor Adams stated that they come and do the maintenance on the machine periodically. Mayor Adams stated that if the Council decided to lease a new Mini X, he recommends that it be purchased out of the Reserve Fund account. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Stevens and approved by the Council:
Ayes: Miller-Borg, Stevens, Gleason Jr., and Deweese
Nays: None
Comp time / benefits for Firefighter / EMT Jason Green: Mayor Adams stated that Mr. Green has asked him if he could build comp time, similar to how the police officers build comp time. After discussion Councilmember Miller-Borg made a motion to table this issue until the next meeting, seconded by Councilmember Deweese and approved by the Council.
Ayes: Miller-Borg, Stevens, Gleason Jr., and Deweese
Nays: None
Chemicals for the Lagoon. Mayor Adams stated that we need to purchase more chemicals for the lagoon. He stated that the lagoon tested at 3.2 (down from 5), but was still not in compliance. Councilmember Miller Borg stated that she has spoken with Mike Walraven from Engineers of the South (EOS) and he told her that he would look into a “pond management” type service that comes out and services the lagoon. Mayor Adams stated that EOS told him that paying someone to spread the chemicals would not help financially, in terms of the cost of labor and chemicals. Mayor Adams stated that we should be ready by the end of this month to receive bids on the aerator project on the lagoon. Councilmember Gleason Jr. asked what the cost to purchase the chemicals is. Mayor Adams responded that it costs approximately $3300 each time the chemicals are purchased. The last time chemicals were purchased was in December. Miller-Borg made a motion that the town purchase eleven 5 gallon drums of liquid enzyme for the lagoon. Seconded by Councilmember Gleason Jr., and approved by the Council.
Ayes: Deweese, Gleason Jr., and Miller-Borg
Nays: Stevens.
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Mayor Adams mentioned that the AAMCA (Alabama Association of Municipal Clerks Association) membership is up for renewal at a cost of $50. A motion was made by Councilmember Deweese to approve this expense, seconded by Councilmember Miller-Borg and approved by the Council.
Ayes: Miller-Borg, Stevens, Gleason Jr., and Deweese
Nays: None
Mayor Adams brought up that there was an issue with the garage doors at Fire Station 2, and Overhead Door Company had to be called out to fix them. The cost for this repair was $405.00. Councilmember Deweese made a motion to approve this expense, seconded by Councilmember Stevens and approved by the Council.
Ayes: Miller-Borg, Stevens, Gleason Jr., and Deweese
Nays: None
Mayor Adams stated that the Town did not get the grant from ADECA for the replacement of the asbestos lines. He stated that it would be up to the Council to re-apply for this grant when it comes back up.
Councilmember Miller-Borg stated that there is a grant available to help with the expense of the July 4th event.
Councilmember Stevens stated that he had spoken with Dan Dahlke, County Engineer regarding the wet spot in front of the AL Crematorium and Mr. Dahlke feels that we should fix that ourselves. Councilmember Stevens stated that we have the equipment. The area would have to be dug up, rip rap put in, followed by dense grade, and packed in. He stated that it is most likely a soft spot in the road, due to not having the proper base under the road. Councilmember Gleason Jr., stated that at the intersection of Chandler Mt and Highway 11, there is a wash out. Mayor Adams stated that area is on a list of places that need to be patched. Steele Station road also has a big pot hole, Mayor Adams stated that his main concern for fixing that pothole would be traffic control. Councilmember Stevens stated that he would be willing to help on the project but wasn’t sure when it could be done. Mayor asked Councilmember Stevens if he could get a material list of what we need: class one rip rap, dense grade base, etc.
Councilmember Gleason Jr., stated that the ball fields are being used regularly (2 teams a night), and is booked every day except Saturday. He stated that it he has been asked if the town would consider putting lights on the lower field. He said that he asked the teams to get prices to get an idea of what the cost would be to put a light set up on the lower field. July 4th festivities will be held on Monday, the 4th. He stated that he will meet with his Committee next week to finalize everything. Mayor Adams stated that he spoke with a member of the band called “Still Broke” and they would be interested in talking to someone about playing for the July 4th event.
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Councilmember Stevens brought up the paving project – he stated that he had gotten the list from Councilmember Barnes and there are several areas that need pipes to be replaced. He stated that he will go over the list and report back to the Council with information.
Mayor Adams stated that we need more room at Town Hall, the building is 42 years old and needs more space, including storage, offices, etc. He stated that he has looked around at doing an expansion of the current building. The expansion would almost double the size of the building and would already include parking, and septic. He stated that a budget would have to be set, and agreed on by the council. Councilmember Miller-Borg stated that she felt that we needed to purchase a portable building. After discussion, the issue was tabled until the next meeting.
With there being no further business to come before this regular Council Meeting of February 7, 2022, Councilmember Miller-Borg made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Adjourned at 6:57 PM.
The next Council Meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 22, 2022 at 6:30 PM.