February 21, 2018

COUNCIL MINUTES – February 20, 2018

The Town Council of the Town of Steele, Alabama, met in Regular Session at 6:30 pm on Tuesday, February 20, 2018 at Steele Town Hall.  Upon roll call, the following members were present:


Present:        Roger Adams, Mayor

Richard Reynolds, Councilmember

Brent Dunn, Councilmember

Rick Barnes, Councilmember

Nancy Miller-Borg, Councilmember


Absent:         Philip Gleason Jr., Councilmember


The meeting was called to order by Mayor Adams.

Mayor Adams led everyone in a word of prayer.


The Town Council having read the minutes from the Regular Council Meeting held on Monday, February 5, 2018, motion was made by Councilmember Barnes to approve the minutes, 2nd Council member Reynolds and approved by the Town Council.


Ayes:  Reynolds, Dunn, Barnes, and Miller-Borg

Nays:  None


Joseph McConnon and Jack Long from NRG Savers made a presentation for their company which installs capacitors for energy savings.  They explained the process and potential for savings to Steele on the electric billing.


Mayor Adams noted that Wilbur Smith has resigned from the Water Board.  He declared a vacancy on the Water Board and said we would try to fill it at the next Council meeting.


The Mayor advised the Chevrolet dump truck is back in service with the hydraulic pump for the dump bed replaced with a used pump and 6 used tires that were purchased for the truck.


The Beta Club from Steele Jr. High School did not hold a road block as had previously been approved by the Town Council.  There was a question of safety and the school did not grant approval.


Police Chief Mark Ward will be attending a Chief’s conference next week and the debit card needs to be replenished.  Councilmember Reynolds made the motion to transfer $800 from the general fund to the debit card.  Second by Councilmember Barnes and approved by the Town Council.


Ayes:  Reynolds, Dunn, Barnes, and Miller-Borg

Nays:  None


Mayor Adams reported the town employees need a new floor jack for the shop.  He found one advertised for $199 for a 3-ton jack.  Councilmember Miller-Borg made a motion to purchase a 3-ton floor jack for up to $200.  Second by Councilmember Dunn and approved by the Town Council.


Ayes:  Reynolds, Dunn, Barnes, and Miller-Borg

Nays:  None


The Mayor reported that Herb Collette Drive is in desperate need of repairs.  We can buy asphalt millings from Good Hope Contractors, the company doing the resurfacing of Interstate 59, at $250 for a 25-28 ton load.  We would need four loads for a cost of $1,000.  The Mayor contacted County Engineer Dan Dahlke who said it was a good deal.  He obtained permission from the owner of the restaurant property to have the millings dumped on their parking lot to be distributed by Town employees with Town equipment.  Motion made by Councilmember Barnes to purchase millings for $1,000.  Second by Councilmember Dunn and approved by the Town Council.


Ayes:  Reynolds, Dunn, Barnes, and Miller-Borg

Nays:  None















Council Minutes

February 20, 2018

Page 2


Fire Chief James Martin reported that Phillip Barnard has donated approximately $1,500 worth of exercise equipment to the Town.  Chief Martin requested the Town purchase 12 mats to go with the equipment which will be installed at Fire Station #2.  This purchase would be from the ad valorem tax account.  The Mayor wants to check with our insurance agent about liability prior to accepting the equipment.  Councilmember Barnes made a motion to purchase mats not to exceed $470 if there was no problem with insurance.  Second by Councilmember Miller-Borg and approved by the Town Council.


Ayes:  Reynolds, Dunn, Barnes, and Miller-Borg

Nays:  None


The Mayor noted the annual membership renewal for Sam’s Club is due in the amount of $45.  Councilmember Reynolds made a motion to renew the Sam’s Club membership for $45.  Second by Councilmember Barnes and approved by the Town Council.


Ayes:  Reynolds, Dunn, Barnes, and Miller-Borg

Nays:  None


Mayor Adams and some Councilmembers surveyed the restrooms at the Ball Park with a contractor who will provide a price on remodeling the rest rooms.  State Representative Mack Butler had furnished information on the availability of $5,000 for health and fitness projects which could be used for this project.  The Mayor will report back when further information is available.


The Mayor asked for a survey of the property line of town property behind the Real Alloy Plant.  There is no record of the property line and the Town would like to secure the boundaries of the property.  A survey for one property line would be $600-$800.  Councilmember Barnes made a motion to have the one property line surveyed at a cost not to exceed $800.   Second by Councilmember Reynolds and approved by the Town Council.


Ayes:  Reynolds, Dunn, Barnes, and Miller-Borg

Nays:  None


Councilmember Dunn has again talked with the Mayor of Ragland about the purchase of refurbished garbage cans.  The Mayor will have the refurbisher contact Councilmember Dunn.  He also reminded the Council of The Amazing Race which will be held April 15, 2018.


Councilmember Barnes asked Steele Postal Carriers which were the worst roads in Steele.  They reported that Lakeview Street and Fann Road were the worst.  Councilmember Barnes has talked with County Engineer Dan Dahlke about repairing these roads.


Chief Martin advised the Fire Department will be flushing, flow testing and painting fire hydrants in Town beginning March 1.  It should take about a month to complete the project and he will keep the Town advised of locations on Face Book.


With there being no further business to come before this Regular Council Meeting of February 20, 2018, Councilmember Barnes made a motion to adjourn the meeting, 2nd by Councilmember Reynolds, adjourned at 7:32 pm.


The minutes were taken by Councilmember Miller-Borg in the absence of Town Clerk Jessica Martin.





____________________________                              _____________________

Nancy Miller-Borg – Councilmember                              Roger G. Adams – Mayor