December 5, 2017

COUNCIL MINUTES – December 4, 2017


The Town Council of the Town of Steele, Alabama, met in Regular Session at 6:30 pm on Monday, December 4, 2017 at Steele Town Hall. Upon roll call the following members were present:


Present:              Roger Adams, Mayor

                            Richard Reynolds, Councilmember

                            Brent Dunn, Councilmember

                            Philip Gleason Jr., Councilmember

                            Rick Barnes, Councilmember                    

                            Nancy Miller-Borg, Councilmember


Absent:              None.


Mayor Adams asked Councilmember Reynolds to lead everyone in a word of prayer.


Attorney Wayne Rogers with the Degaris & Rogers Attorneys at Law and Bradley Cornett with the Attorneys of Ford, Howard & Cornett, P.C. were present and spoke about the opioid epidemic problem. They would like for Steele to join in an Opioid Representation Agreement to investigate the viability of and to prosecute all claims against the distributors and/or manufacturers of prescription opiates.

Mike Sewell, with McClure, Sewell & Associates, was present and went over the FY 2016-2017 audit report showing that the Town is in good financial shape.


The Town Council having read the minutes from the Regular Council Meeting held on

Monday, November 20, 2017, motion was made by Councilmember Barnes to approve the

minutes, 2nd Councilmember Dunn & approved by the Town Council.                                                                                       

                                                   Ayes:  Barnes, Dunn, Reynolds, Gleason Jr. and Miller-Borg.                                                    Nays:  None.


The Town Council having reviewed the October financial reports, motion was made by Councilmember Miller-Borg approving the financial reports, 2nd Councilmember Barnes & approved by the Town Council.


                                                    Ayes:  Miller-Borg, Barnes, Reynolds, Dunn and Gleason Jr.

                                                    Nays:  None.


Mayor Adams read the November Fire/Medic report.


Motion was made by Councilmember Barnes approving the Fire Department expense of repairing the Dodge brush truck, 2nd Councilmember Gleason Jr. & approved by the Town Council.


                                                   Ayes:  Barnes, Gleason Jr., Reynolds, Dunn and Miller-Borg.

                                                   Nays:  None.


Mayor Adams informed the Town Council that he has spoken with the Town’s engineer, Houston Jenkins, and he will be at the next Council Meeting to discuss the Steele Station Road project.







Council Minutes

December 4, 2017

Page 2


Mayor Adams wanted to make a correction on the garbage bag quote that was previously mentioned at the last Council meeting. He had mentioned that the garbage bags with Plastic Place are $9.23/ box of 50 with a minimum order of 200 cases, but the original quote is $9.23/ box of 50 with a minimum order of 400 cases. After discussion, motion was made by Councilmember Reynolds to purchase the garbage bags with Plastic Place for $17.49/ box of 100 with a minimum order of 200 cases and sell the boxes at $18.00, 2nd Councilmember Barnes & approved by the Town Council.


                                                   Ayes:  Reynolds, Barnes, Dunn, Gleason Jr. and Miller-Borg.

                                                   Nays:  None.


Mayor Adams made the following announcements:



  • The St. Clair County Mayor’s Association Meeting breakfast will be Thursday, December 14, 2017, 7:30 a.m. in Ragland.
  • We will need to move the January Council Meeting’s to the following Tuesday, due to the holiday closings.

                                                  Tuesday, January 2, 2017, 6:30 p.m.

                                                  Tuesday, January 16, 2017, 6:30 p.m.


Councilmember Reynolds passed out a draft of the employee handbook for the Town Council to look over. Councilmember Reynolds would like the Town Council to let the Mayor or himself know of any changes so hopefully we can approve this at the next Council Meeting.


Councilmember Dunn asked if we had any cameras pointing to the Hannah Home boxes? Yes.

He informed the Town Council that the UFOS, United Fellowship Outreach of Steele, will be meeting on Thursday, December 14, 2017, following the PTO meeting, to stuff the stockings for the children at the school.


Councilmember Gleason Jr. asked the Town Council if we want to keep the July 4th celebration on July 4th this year since it falls on a Wednesday? Yes.

He also mentioned that we need to think about if we want to change or add anything to the celebration.


Councilmember Miller-Borg asked if the Town has a leash law? No, but the County does.


Fire Chief James Martin informed the Town Council that the Fire Department will be doing their annual fruit baskets on Saturday, December 16, 2017. After discussion, motion was made by Councilmember Miller-Borg approving $400.00 out of the Fire Department account for the supplies needed for the fruit baskets, 2nd Councilmember Gleason Jr. & approved by the Town Council.


                                                   Ayes:  Miller-Borg, Gleason Jr., Reynolds, Dunn and Barnes.

                                                   Nays:  None.


The next Town Council Meeting will be held on Monday, December 18, 2017 at 6:30 p.m. at the Steele Town Hall.


With there being no further business to come before this Regular Council Meeting of

December 4, 2017, Councilmember Barnes made a motion to adjourn the meeting, 2nd by Councilmember Dunn, adjourned at 7:45 p.m.