August 3, 2020
Council Minutes – August 3, 2020
The Town Council of the Town of Steele, Alabama, met in Regular Session at 6:30 pm on Monday, August 3, 2020 at Steele Town Community Center. Upon roll call the following members were present.
Present: Roger Adams, Mayor
Richard Reynolds, Councilmember Philip Gleason Jr., Councilmember Rick Barnes, Councilmember Nancy Miller-Borg, Councilmember Michael Stevens – Councilmember
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Roger Adams who then led everyone in a word of prayer.
The minutes from the July 20, 2020 meeting were approved by a motion from Councilmember Miller-Borg, seconded by Councilmember Barnes, and approved by the Council.
Ayes: Gleason Jr., Miller-Borg, Barnes, Stevens and Reynolds Nays: none
The June 2020 financials were approved by a motion made by Councilmember Reynolds, seconded by Councilmember Gleason Jr., and approved by the Council.
Ayes: Gleason Jr., Miller-Borg, Barnes, Stevens and Reynolds Nays: none
Ms. Fran Summerlin was at the Council Meeting and spoke to the Council regarding a Candidates forum that will be held on Thursday, August 20, 2020 at 6:30 pm at the Pavilion. She handed out flyers to advertise the Forum, and Guidelines for how it will be conducted.
Mrs Kelly Peoples, Principal at Steele Jr. High was present at the Council Meeting. She stated that school is starting on August 20, 2020 and they are in need of a Sanitizing Machine. The St. Clair County Board of Education selected one that they are recommending and asked the school Principals to seek funding from their respective municipalities. She stated this machine will be used when the students change classrooms, after each P.E. class in the gymnasium, after school is out, and many other times during the day. Mayor Adams stated that he realized that we had donated $2,000 to the school earlier this year for paint, and other items but this is an extraordinary time right now with starting school back in a pandemic and he felt that it would be an expense that would be warranted. Councilmember Reynolds made a motion to purchase the Surface Sanitizer Machine Machine at a cost of $1,499 for the school, seconded by Councilmember Gleason Jr., and approved by the Council.
Ayes: Gleason Jr., Miller-Borg, Barnes, Stevens and Reynolds Nays: none
Mr. Bobby Welch was in attendance and wanted to address the Council. He stated that last year the Town of Steele had sponsored four banners for the Ashville Sports Foundation, which