April 4, 2017

COUNCIL MINUTES – April 3, 2017


The Town Council of the Town of Steele, Alabama, met in Regular Session at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, April 3, 2017. Upon roll call the following members were present:

Present: Roger Adams, Mayor
Richard Reynolds, Councilmember
Brent Dun, Councilmember
Philip Gleason Jr., Councilmember
Rick Barnes, Councilmember

Absent: Nancy Miller-Borg, Councilmember

Mayor Adams led the Town Council in prayer.

The Town Council having read the minutes from the Regular Council Meeting held on
March 20, 2017, motion was made by Councilmember Barnes to approve the minutes, 2nd Councilmember Reynolds & approved by the Town Council.

Ayes: Barnes, Reynolds, Dunn and Gleason Jr.
Nays: None.

Mayor Adams purchased the water for the Steele Jr. High School 5K Raider Run at Sam’s for $23.52 and also paid the yearly renewal fee of $45.00 for the Sam’s membership card. Mayor Adams asked to be reimbursed the $23.52 for the water and the $45.00 for the renewal of the Sam’s card. Motion was made by Councilmember Barnes to reimburse Mayor Adams $68.52, 2nd Gleason Jr. & approved by the Town Council.

Ayes: Barnes, Gleason Jr., Reynolds and Dunn.
Nays: None.

Mayor Adams advised the Town Council that Caleb Wise would be graduating from the Police Academy on Thursday, April 6, 2017 and will be promoted as a full-time police officer. Motion was made by Councilmember Gleason Jr. to increase his pay from $10.00/hr to $14.00/hr., 2nd Councilmember Barnes & approved by the Town Council.

Ayes: Gleason Jr., Barnes, Reynolds and Dunn.
Nays: None.

The Fire Station will be having their Open House on Thursday, April 7, 2017 from 5:00-7:00 p.m.. They will have light refreshments.

The St. Clair County Mayor’s Association Meeting breakfast will be on Tuesday,
April 18, 2017, 7:30 a.m. in Margaret.

The Town Hall will be closed Friday, April 14, 2017 for Good Friday.

Mayor Adams advised the Town Council that a man is coming to look at the sewer problem at the grocery store building, free of charge, to see what is wrong with it.

Mayor Adams advised the Town Council for Insurance purposes, there will be a Skid Car Class in April in which 6 people will be attending at $40 per person. Motion was made by Councilmember Gleason Jr. approving to pay $240 to the Skid Car Class, 2nd Councilmember Dunn & approved by the Town Council.

Ayes: Gleason Jr., Dunn, Reynolds and Barnes.
Nays: None.

Council Minutes
April 3, 2017
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Michael & Judy Brogdon dropped off 3 baskets full of goodies for the Police Department, Fire Department and Sheriff’s Department. They wanted to thank everyone for their hard work on saving their daughter’s life 5 years ago.

Councilmember Dunn asked the Town Council and Mayor Adams if they would to like move forward with the Farmer’s Market?
After discussion, motion was made by Councilmember Barnes approving to move forward with the Farmer’s Market, 2nd Councilmember Dunn & approved by the Town Council.

Ayes: Barnes, Dunn, Reynolds and Gleason Jr.
Nays: None.

Councilmember Gleason Jr. asked if Mayor Adams had heard anything on the Storm Shelter?
Mayor Adams informed the Town Council that hopefully in the next few days we will see some work being done.

Councilmember Gleason Jr. asked what the Library hours are?
Monday – Thursday 9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Mayor Adams informed the Town Council of the Easter Egg hunts this weekend on Friday, April 6, 2017 & Saturday, April 7, 2017.

Police Chief Ward would like to make Corbin Wrecker Service the only Wrecker service we use. Motion was made by Councilmember Gleason Jr. to make exclusive Corbin Wrecker Service the only Wrecker Service the Town of Steele will use, 2nd Councilmember Barnes & approved by the Town Council.

Ayes: Gleason Jr., Barnes, Reynolds and Dunn.
Nays: None.

Police Chief Ward would like to purchase a Breathalyzer for the 2016 Tahoe for $525.00 from Gall’s. Motion was made by Councilmember Barnes approving the Police Department purchase of a Breathalyzer for $525.00, 2nd Councilmember Gleason Jr. & approved by the Town Council.

Ayes: Barnes, Gleason Jr., Reynolds and Dunn.
Nays: None.

Police Chief Ward would like to purchase 2 sets of spike strips for the day & night shift off Ebay for $281.00, which comes with a warranty. Motion was made by Councilmember Barnes approving the Police Department purchase of 2 sets of spike strips for $281.00, 2nd Councilmember Gleason Jr. & approved by the Town Council.

Ayes: Barnes, Gleason Jr., Reynolds and Dunn.
Nays: None.

Police Chief Ward would also like to purchase a new printer for the 2014 Silver Tahoe, which will cost $75.59. Motion was made by Councilmember Gleason Jr. approving the Police Department purchase of a new printer for $75.59, 2nd Councilmember Barnes & approved by the Town Council.

Ayes: Gleason Jr., Barnes, Reynolds and Dunn.
Nays: None.

Wanda Wilcox asked about getting some “Back The Blue” signs to support our Police Department.

Council Minutes
April 3, 2017
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Councilmember Gleason Jr. asked about the proposal for the phone system.
Mayor Adams informed the Town Council that we are planning on updating our phone systems at all our Town buildings and the security system at the Nutrition Center. We are in the process of getting prices together.

With there being no further business to come before this Regular Council Meeting of April 3, 2017, Councilmember Barnes made a motion to adjourn the meeting, 2nd by Councilmember Dunn, adjourned at 7:01 p.m..