April 3, 2018

COUNCIL MINUTES – April 2, 2018

The Town Council of the Town of Steele, Alabama, met in Regular Session at 6:30 pm on Monday, April 2, 2018, at Steele Town Hall.  Upon roll call, the following members were present:


Present:    Roger Adams, Mayor

Richard Reynolds, Councilmember

Brent Dunn, Councilmember

Philip Gleason Jr., Councilmember

Rick Barnes, Councilmember

Nancy Miller-Borg, Councilmember


The meeting was called to order by Mayor Adams. Councilmember Barnes led everyone in a word of prayer.


The Town Council having read the minutes from the Regular Council Meeting held on Tuesday, March 20, 2018, motion was made by Councilmember Barnes to approve the minutes, 2nd Council member Gleason Jr. and approved by the Town Council.


Ayes:  Reynolds, Dunn, Gleason Jr., Barnes, and Miller-Borg

Nays:  None


Police Chief Ward announced that the Steele Police Department was now officially certified as a demensia friendly department.


Officer Caleb Wise’s vehicle needs repairs to the air conditioning.  The cost will be approximately $566.00.  Motion made by Councilmember Miller-Borg to have the air conditioner repaired for $566.00.  Second by Councilmember Barnes, and approved by the Town Council.


Ayes:  Reynolds, Dunn, Gleason Jr., Barnes, and Miller-Borg

Nays:  None


Fire Chief Martin reported that our Fire Department assisted the Ashville and NorthEast Fire Departments after the recent tornadoes and severe weather.  He submitted a request to purchase equipment for the Service Truck/Medic Truck to meet standards required to improve our ISO rating to a 4.  This truck will be located at Station #2, near our industrial area.  The cost is $4,804.39 plus shipping on a couple of items.  The Fire Department should be receiving $3,200 from fire rescue billing.  This will be paid from the large fire department and EMS funds.  Motion was made by Councilmember Barnes to approve the expenditure of $4,804.39 plus shipping.  Second by Councilmember Dunn and approved by the Town Council.


Ayes:  Reynolds, Dunn, Gleason Jr., Barnes, and Miller-Borg

Nays:  None



The Mayor read the Fire Department call reports for February and March.  There were 27 calls in February: 1 – fire; 15 – rescue/emergency medical; 5 – service; 5 – good intentions; 1 – hazardous conditions.   There were 32 calls in March; 3 – fire; 21 – rescue/emergency medical; 6 – service; 1- good intentions; 1- severe weather.


Councilmember Reynolds reported the Easter egg hunts went very well and were well attended.


Councilmember Dunn reported the Amazing Race has ten entries and there would be a final planning meeting April 7 at 9:00 AM.


Councilmember Gleason Jr. said he had talked with Rickey Rayford about the Park restrooms and he was going to submit prices and a diagram.


The Mayor brought up replacing the generator for the Town Hall.  A 22 KW Generac generator, installed, from Harris Electris would be $8,500.00.  This size would be sufficient to take care of any future needs.  Motion was made by Councilmember Miller-Borg to purchase the Generac generator from Harris Electric for $8,500.00.  Second by Councilmember Reynolds and approved by the Town Council.


Ayes:  Reynolds, Dunn, Gleason Jr., Barnes, and Miller-Borg

Nays:  None


Councilmember Barnes reported that he has met with the County Engineer concerning road repair in Steele.  It was noted that part of Fann Road was not in our jurisdiction.


Councilmember Miller-Borg stated she was planning to attend the Alabama League of Municipalities conference in Montgomery in May.  The registration fee was $350.00.  She would be sharing a hotel room without cost to the Town.  Other expenses would be food and transportation.  Motion made by Countilmember Barnes to pay the $350.00 registration and miscellaneous charges to attend the conference.  Second by Councilmember Dunn and approved by the Town Council.


Ayes:  Reynolds, Dunn, Gleason Jr., and Barnes

Nays:  None

Abstension:  Miller-Borg


Casey Dixon is going on a medical missionary trip to Africa to be sponsored by Mt Lebanon Baptist Church.    There are 16 members of the church attending.  She requested a roadblock on May 12, 2018 to help raise funds for the trip.  Motion made by Councilmember Gleason Jr. to approve the roadblock request.  Second by Councilmember Miller-Borg and approved by the Town Council.


Ayes:  Reynolds, Dunn, Gleason Jr., Barnes, and Miller-Borg

Nays:  None


John Whisenant proposed a fund-raiser auction for the Fire Department.  It would be a one-time event and all the Fire Department would have to do is provide a venue.  The sale would be conducted by licensed auctioneer Henry Whisenant, Jr. and the Fire Department would get 20% of the proceeds with the remainder going to the consigner of the goods.  Mayor Adams said he would like to run the idea by our Town Attorney prior to making any commitments.  The matter was tabled until the next Council meeting.


With there being no further business to come before this Regular Council Meeting of April 2, 2018, Councilmember Reynolds made a motion to adjourn the meeting, 2nd by Councilmember Gleason, Jr., adjourned at 7:03 pm.


The minutes were taken by Councilmember Miller-Borg in the absence of Town Clerk Jessica Martin.